hiz peeps, i am now in sch lab slacking from 12 till now....haiz is all because we hav to wait for that hui shan to finish her test at 7pm... :( omg so damn long.... so here am i blogging away wahaha...
anyway, these few daes i have been rotting away because i am lazy to do anything.... basically, wake up, go sch, go makan dinner, go hm, watch serial drama from Channel 55 lol... realli enjoying my life man.... no need to stress for projects and can really relax till to the core...
haiz, but tomolo i have to work liao!!! having to work from 9.45am to 10pm for fri and sun at suntec convention hall which will be hosting the Natas annual travel fair.... although i have to stand thoughout the whole event itself but on the other hand when i thought of the wage per hr... i think is worth it lol!!!! 8dollar per hr pn weekdays and 10 per hr on weekend.... omg is alot wahaha.... haiz but is only these 2 days only... how i wish i gt this job permanently....
hehe... shortly after i blog finish i have to rush off to TM with the netballers to "ta bao" mos burger to makan.... i'm drooling keke so cya ppl shall blog again when i'm free hehe tata!!!