Todae went to sch early in the morning for the talk on entreprenuer lecture man... it was such a boring lecture lol... in the end mi n some of my friends skip the whole lecture n slack in the sch lab till 2 pm before returning to take our attendance whaha... first time i am so naughty but realli got no choice man cos is realli making mi bored to death if i stay on keke....
then after that went to town with my pals for window shopping and had dinner together... aso had a hrt to hrt tok with them and realli appreaciate their concern on mi...i will be strong man... btw my mood is getting worse n worse as the day pass by haiz...dunno how to hang on sia... realli so troubled n hopeless for mi... realli hope that the sunny dae will be here soon... i dun wanna rainy daes...:(
now blogging here in order to vent out my anger,stress, troubles away...wish i can be like the bird that has no worries on them... wish i can be the bird soon...cya then