hey ppl... i'm bac blogging! erm i realli gt alot alot to say when we, the netball gerls went to sentosa to gather n play till we are so tired man...on the first dae of the sentosa trip.. which is last sat... we went to palawan beach and had a mini volley ball training wahaha... and had a captain ball games with jean frens.. omg had alot of fun man... haha the best is yet to cum...
lol next, we went to pitch our tent at the top of the hill lol... regert choosing that spot...haiz.. next we went t0 a dining boat for our dinner... omg the ambience over there was fantastic man... we had buffet which was like wow... so nice... and also with all my wrong pronouciation of words, jokes, having to sit like ah lian by crossing our legs while eating and also wondering whether the boat is realli moving that resulted in some of the gerls having sea sick lol... all these realli bonded us man... so memorable n sweet... muacks.. i love u gerls..haha, still not finish blogging yet... next we went bac to our tent hoping to get soem rest after the chatty session we had by the beach... omg we realli nv expected that there were millions of ants under our tents man... imagine they are all crawling under our tent... yucks... thus nobody dare to slp man... haiz i was realli so tired that i dun bother man... slept thru the nite with jean n carrissa, but ppl relax yar...the ant is unable to get into our tent so i tink is fine... haha but still angie, wenyan, huishan, michelle and yanru can't stand the sight of the ants and they went to the beach to chat till dawn... but they had to endure thry the terror, jokes and scare they had receive from toning thru the nites.... but one things that they told mi was abt teh peacocks story...omg it was so funnie... it goes like this... the gerls were lying on a chairm trying to get a short nap... but nv would they expect the peacocks would disturb their slp man... wahaha... that michelle was lying down n suddenly she sense that something was staring at her, so she open her eyes and there she saw the peacock was jus standing beside her... wahaha it was so funny.. and when everyone wake up due to michelle call out... they realise that they were surrounded by peacocks lol... and i tink is abt 6 to 8 bah... wahaha. tink of it realli is so funnie....
the next dae which is on sundae yar... our coach had engage a camera man to video down all our activities... so we had games liek STOP, volley ball training again and other ball games... all this was film down into a video...and it include the skit we had prepared for e seniors... soon after all the activities, we went to a room to watch the video, and it was so funnie n touching as well... also there was chatting session too... omg i will nv forget that dae... it will always be locked in the corner of my hrt forever... it was the dae whereby all the netballers can't control their tears from flowing dw their cheeks... haiz... it was so touching and i realli cry like mad... i will miss u all dearly muack gerls... shall meet up for gathering k? and last but not least the chalet n the bintan trip hehe cya!!!