27th of April, Wednesday:
Meet up with the swords - Huishan, wenyan, angie and limaran to go for my first trip to Zouk...Me, limaran n Huishan are still a virgin to clubbing so wenyan decided to be our tour guide to zouk. It was fun as compared to the veri first n last clubbing at chocolate bar along boat quay. Omg over there was infested with "gina" (onli the netballers understand the defination of it) wahaha so i realli did enjoy myself over at phuture but was abit crowded.
Afterwhich we danced like almost 2 hrs before we left the place at ard 2 plus n went for our supper at a nearby coffee shop selling prata...next we all went bac to wenyan's house to slack till 6am plus before i rch hm n slept at 8am. wahaha so long nv ton thru out the dae ler...over at Wy hs, we try to keep ourselves awake by frenstering n gossiping wahaha...i am so amazed becos we took more than 2 hour looking thru account n surfing the web...but it was fun whereby everyone would sit together n discuss about new topics wahaha.... shall not go into details...secrets of the sword hehe...
Thur: Spent the whole day at home...then at nite kana the stupid msn virus again...it is the same virus...i thot it was cleared the veri last time gary help me...but realised that the virus is still in my com...luckily with the help of kenny the lamer n Douglas i am able to dl anti virus programme( Trail 15days) to clear the worms from my com...omg gosh it was a close shave with formatting the com again wahaha. But managed to found someone with a original copy of norton anti virus and kenny agreed to lent it to me..yeah!! thanks peeps...
TOday: now blogging n waiting to go for training wahaha erm so long nv go avalanch training ler haiz..so pai seh erm must be thick skin abit or else i will be out of the team lol...(abit kua zhang lar) haha so now goin to prepare myself ler so cya ppl....