hiz everyone, i'm bac to blog again before i get lazy again lol... erm frankly speaking i have been so busy with sch, my doggies, netball stuff and some personal problems.any way i will take things in my stride and shall put all th eproblems behind me. being able to solve every problem that come towards me...
haiz... i am so sad now, yesterdae caught a cold while i went to have my dinner outside and gt a mild asthma attack toade while at work. Then disappoint my swords members on the new year eves!!! sorrie gals yst i realli dun feel like going, but i promise u gals that i will voice up early if i realli dun wanna go to any of the events next time... Sorry gals... but will still love u ppl always...mauck :(
Then todae went hm after work, then play with my doggie for awhile then realise my DArling Blackie got skin irritation on his neck area... at that pt in time realli feel like slapping myself for not being able to detect early... now it seems that it had spread all around the neck... then went over to check at my bellbell who had just recoever from her sickness... then found out that she aso gt the same type of skin problems but luckily is not as serious as blackie.... haiz realli so down now... feel like crying man..hope is they are not infected with fleas or tick...shall pray hard over here... have to wake up super early tomolo to bring them to c doctor..omg hope evrything will be fine... love bell bell n blackie forever muack...
ppl... have to go ler shall blog when i have the time...
but my new yr resolution: 1) bell & Blackie will be healthy all yr round
2) do well in my studies
3) wish all my families n friends happiness in whatever they are doing
4) last but not least, hope the ppl who had suffered form the tidal wave will
be able to overcome their problems now... shall pray hard for them..WORLD PEACE....