hiz people, i'm back blogging at this super late hour. clocking in at 2.45am listening to all the ballads songs remind mi of the memories i have. aww gosh, time flies and i'm soon goin to be yr 3 sem 4. Omg can't realli believe that one more yr and i'm in to the work force. To me, life is short hence it is important to play n enjoy life to the fullest. However, many things have happened on me and my dearest friends. thru out this semester, i have been so busy with my sch work, netball commitment and working, hence there is hardly any time for me to enjoy myself. Thus resulting in the guilt that have been building in my heart for the past few months. Neglecting my beloved doggies, friends and families would have been the worst thing that can happened in my life. I realli hope things would turn for the better and realli hope i can manage my time properly. I',m really sorry for neglecting my beloved friends and dearest families (inclusive of my dogs) and hence shall pray hard to clear my sins. But anyway, i know i am capable of solving and clearing the hurdles that are blocking the way so wait for my good news.
next, i was damn so pissed off with my current working life man. i have never been so angry and down at the same time as i desperately need a job at this moment but was not offered to work on both week ends. I have been working for them for the past 1 and a half year ler, n now when they gt enough full time people and those part timer do not get a chance to work. Although i know is wrong for me to complained here but i was realli so pissed off by what they offer. it was like when they need you they will try all their means to ask you to help up and when they have enough ppl they will just cast you aside. The feeling was terrible and i told myself i can't let this continued or else i would be letting myself down. Hence i have decided to look for another long term part time job instead of waiting for them to offer mi bac. Bleah!!! Erm hope tommorrow interview at NIke or Adidias would be a success. praying hard over here.
Moving on to one of my dearest pal who had to endure all the sweetness and bitteness of life. During this whole semester, i must say that she is a strong gal because she have to handle projects and other commitments at the same time so i can imagine the hardship she had endured. Gal, there one thing i wanna tell u is that i will always be there for you no matter what happened. Although i may not be there physically but mentally i am. Trust me and believe in yrself is the most important things u must always rememeber.
Anyway, tired of the blogging ler, wanna go slp liao haha shall blog when i am free again hehe!!! cya ppl MAuck love u pple.