Hiz xiaoser is on the house again..erm having my little break this two daes before i get bac to my work tomorrow...eh..nothing realli happen this few daes, so shall not realli elaborate much on it...went to Sakae with My fabulous grp members last semester..is a mini meetup session at SAkae which was realli great...everyone listen to one another complains n thru this i realise another semester had pass again..omg TIme realli doesn't wait for people...so must realli do things that are meaningful....Shall pose some pics at sakae soon...
Alrite, things are realli getting from bad to worst...had a conversation with One of my dearest gal yest nite till the wee hour, discussing on whether is it worth hanging to a relationship that is on the verge of both parties are already tired of the relationship. SHe & her BF really had a big problem in communicating their ideas regardless on any topics. In my opinion i tink Communication and trust is the most impt factor in sustaining a relationship...frankly speaking i really can't see any progression in their relationship and i've told her how i feel. She herself knew it too, but is just too hard for her to give up...
AFterwhich, just a few min ago receive a call from her...saying is all over, i felt relieved for her but at the same time felt sad too..just dunno why...but no matter what decision she make i will always support n respect her...it is not easy to walk out and start all over again but however, just want her to noe that i will always be there for her...The swordies will also be there for u...HAng on and you can walk thru the darkness ya...
I have this little phrase " In the forest, there ain't just one tree for u to look out, there are many other trees out there for us to discover and realise its existence"
ALrite, i am feeling a liitle moody about what happen, it realli upset mi on seeing my fren suffer arghhh...just hope everything would be fine...buaiz.... :(